About Me
Where I grew up, in country Victoria, I could see Corner Inlet and Wilsons Promontory from the back veranda. My primary school was on top of a little mountain, where I and a handful of other pupils learned as much from our environment as from our teacher (it was a single teacher school). We learned science from the bush, maths with the rainwater, politics & ethics from each other, and aesthetics from the landscape & its inhabitants. The child of a primary school teacher and a boiler maker/welder, I was drawn to Art, Philosophy, Psychology, and Biology, and I began a Psychology degree when I left home for the city.
Halfway through my first year of university, I took a leap of faith and enrolled instead in art school. It was there that I found people who, like myself, were learning about themselves, the role of artists as recorders and reflectors of our world and their time. We were seeking to develop our own way of representing ourselves and others, our fears and dreams, our hopes and inspirations. In my last year of art school my mother was diagnosed with cancer. My brother was studying for VCE at the time, and my sister pregnant with her first child. It was a very difficult time for my family, and it marked the moment I started to look outwardly, developing an understanding of responsibility beyond the self.
I spent my early twenties, as many of us do, trying to find my place in the world. Living in inner Northern Melbourne warehouses and sharehouses, I met creatives and scholars, painted almost constantly, learned to play guitar and found my voice. My mother, by this stage, was in remission. Later, I met and married a brilliant musician, we had a gorgeous son, I became a stay-at-home-mum, my husband an IT architect. The marriage ended when our son was 3 years old and I found myself in the uncertain situation of being a single parent.
Starting from scratch, I worked in the community, art and health sectors and eventually realised that my seemingly disparate array of interests, skills and attributes positioned me beautifully to begin a path of healing. I embarked on a Degree of Clinical Myotherapy and began practising massage. I completed the degree in 2024, and will graduate in 2025.
If you visit The Treatment Room, you will see my artwork on the walls and perhaps spot my guitar on its stand. The creative practice and the healing practice are, I believe, deeply connected.
Education and Certifications
Torrens University (previously Southern School of Natural Therapy) 2017-2024
Bachelor of Health Science degree (Clinical Myotherapy)
Central Springs School of Massage 2018
Certificate of Relaxation/Therapeutic Massage & Lomilomi Massage.
IICT Member 2018 - 2023
International Institute for Complementary Therapists (association)
MA Student Member 2017 - 2024
Myotherapy Association of Australia Student Membership
MA Graduate Member 2025 - Current
First Aid & CPR Certificate
CBD College, Melbourne - issue date 26.06.2024
Current Working with Children Check

My Philosophy
Complementary Therapists and Allied Health practitioners hold the principle of 'First, do no harm' very highly. This is an integral aspect of my philosophy. Essentially, to act with integrity, practice with beneficent intention, and to have an openness to the constant and ongoing nature of learning, is at the heart of my practice.
My intention - and intention is fundamental - is to help people to heal. I hope to be a catalyst for positive change, assisting people to overcome the physical obstacles to well being, such as restricted movement and pain.
Each of us experiences life, injury, and pain uniquely. Every body, while having (mostly) the same anatomy & physiology, is different. Our lifestyles, occupations, interests and experiences all alter our physicality, making us each unique in our needs for maintaining our physical well being. Hence, I believe in treating the individual, rather than the injury. Keeping this in consideration, there is also an awareness that not every modality will work in the same way for everyone, and clinical findings for techniques are constantly updating.
Manual modalities and physical touch work on many levels to relax, release and heal us. Hands on treatment, even at a very basic level, stimulates the Nervous System helping to bring us back into balance (homeostasis). As such, I anticipate that massage will be a constant throughout my career as a Clinical Myotherapist, with other modalities (dynamic cupping, dry needling etc.) being additional to the work I do with my hands.
I humbly appreciate that I have embarked on a long journey of learning, and every one of my clients is my teacher.